Preseason practice - begins in May and will continue over the summer. We try to set practices around vacations to ensure players can maximize their training.
Regular season practice - Begins mid July and will extend through September
Matches - Wednesdays beginning mid August
Tournaments - There will be a tournament in August and 1/2 in September.
2022 Practice & Game Day Scedule
Practices are generally Tuesday and Thursday from 6:00 - 8:00pm at the Dacula High School gym or Dacula Middle School Gym plus Sunday practices. The practice schedule is tentative and subject to change. Please keep an eye on the website for updates.
2022 Team Uniform
The following is the required uniform:
Game Day/Tournaments:
Team Jersey(Libero bring both)
Navy Blue spandex shorts
White half-calf socks
White knee pads
Tuesday: TBD
Thursday: TBD
Sunday: TBD